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Waterdance Bridge
Waterdance Bridge
Waterdance Bridge
9 Waterdance Bridge
11 Waterdance Bridge
10 Waterdance Bridge
2 Waterdance Bridge
6 Waterdance Bridge

Threshold (n.)   The means by which the edible germ of the wheat seed was separated from the hull (chaff). Derived from the term “thresh” or “threshing”.  This was achieved by striking the dried seeds with a stick called a flail.  The seed, separated from the chaff, was called the “thresh”.  The thresh (seeds), along with the chaff, were swept up and then pitched into the air allowing the wind to blow the lighter weight chaff out the door and the heavier seeds to fall to the floor. 

A good garden may have some weeds. 


Thoams Fulle

Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization. 


Lincoln Stevens 

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